Aren’t You Mad?! Well You Should Be!

Well it seems that my website has touched a few nerves. There are threats and accusations being made about who might be behind this site.

One thing that has not happened, however, is that the central premise of the website:

(Royger Harris is a disgraced dirty cop, serial wife beater and extremely unethical political operative and many of out elected officials and current candidates know this about him and still choose to hire him and to be their political hit-man)

has not been disputed. Rather, some people have expressed anger that they are mentioned on the website. People have called it dirty campaigning. People are making threats, Guilty parties are doing anything and everything that they can to distract the public from the facts listed on the website.

To paraphrase from Hamlet, “Methinks thou dost protest too much.”

The facts are facts and they are supported by official documents.

I would like to take this opportunity to clear up a few things that some of these people are now saying about this factual site.

Clarification #1: I received the email that Cathy Cody has sent out saying that the Republican Club of Sun City did not set up their candidate forum to benefit Bill Gravell. I believe her, and I do apologize if it seemed that she or her club were being accused of wrong-doing.

My point was that this good and fine club was unknowingly used by Bill Gravell and his long-time mentor Betsy Lambeth. Both Gravell and Lambeth knew of their long and close relationship and knew that Lambeth was clearly supporting Gravell in his campaign. They both knew that she should not be the moderator of the forum unless they wanted to create an unfair advantage. And that’s what they chose to do. Betsy Lambeth and Bill Gravell should be ashamed.

Clarification #2: I am not attached or related to any candidate or campaign. I am not encouraging you to vote for any particular candidate. What I am doing is shining a light on a cancer that exists in the Republican Party here in Williamson County. I am a life-long Republican. I believe that when our party is infected with a vile cancer, that we better do everything that we can do to cut that cancer out and cast it aside. If we do not attack the cancer that is within us, then we will wither and die. We cannot be a strong Republican Party in Williamson County as long as the cancer grows.

Unfortunately, I saw this happen in my hometown before I moved to WilCo. The people there waited too long and they were consumed by the cancer and corruption. I do not want that to happen here. 

Clarification #3:  People are criticizing me for doing this anonymously. Let me ask you a question. What would you do if you had this information about these people and you felt duty-bound to share it with others?

Considering that the information involves the Mayor, Sheriff, the District Attorney, the County Attorney, and three District Judges, would you stand on the courthouse steps and shout it out??

Considering who is involved, I am absolutely afraid of what will happen to me. Wouldn’t you be?

Our Sheriff is already making threats, and the website only mentioned him twice! Firstly, the website says that the Sheriff took Leffingwell to task on his Facebook page over the “crony” comment. He did. Again, it’s on his Facebook Page. Secondly, the site points out that Royger Harris is telling people that much of the money that Sheriff Chody spent on his campaign went to Harris. The Sheriff says that’s not true. I have no idea if it is true or not. It IS true, however, that this is what Royger Harris has been telling people.

My Persisting Questions: Why are more people not condemning Royger Harris and those who support him and protect him? Do people really believe Harris is a good guy? Do people really believe that Gravell, Hobbs, Dick, Peal, Hallford, etc. should be protecting Harris?

What about the women that Harris has beaten? Who was protecting them?

On Friday, this website received a gut-wrenching email about another woman who dated Royger Harris. When she found out he was cheating on her she broke up with him. The email went on to describe the sickening abuse that he inflicted upon her time and time again. I was so heart-broken for what this woman went through. Then, all I could think about was my daughter. What if it had been her? And, what if these people not only refused to prosecute Harris but were now protecting him?

This email was one of many more received from others detailing more stories of abuse, lies, and dirty political games Royger Harris has executed in Williamson County.

I guess the final question is:

What about the women that Royger Harris will beat in the future. Who will protect them?

#wifebeaterincharge  #WBIC

Spousal Abuse, Dishonesty, and Dirty Politics in Williamson County

There is a sinister force at work beneath the veil of Williamson County Politics. A growing web of lies, corruption, greed, and abuse. Not only abuse of political power, but also the physical abuse and beatings of several women. That’s right, some of our very own “trusted” elected officials have been deceiving the public with their dirty dealings.

Well, this concerned citizen is here to tell you that there is a common denominator in the dark underbelly of Wilco Politics, and that there’s a despicable man at the center of the storm; his name is Royger Harris.

Royger Harris

Royger is a former part-time employee of the constable’s office, fired sheriff’s deputy, former lead investigator for the County Attorney’s office, discraced former chief investigator for the District Attorney’s office, serial wife beater, and political consultant for the following people:

Justice of the Peace Bill Gravell – current candidate for County Judge
Heather Peal – current candidate for County Commissioner, Pct. 4
Jana Duty – disgraced former District Attorney
District Attorney Shawn Dick
County Attorney Dee Hobbs
Lee Ann Seitsinger – current candidate for County Treasurer
Brandy Hallford – current candidate for Judge, County Court at Law #1
District Judge Rick Kennon – currently running for re-election
District Judge Stacey Matthews
Georgetown Mayor Dale Ross
Bart Turek – current candidate for County Commissioner, Pct. 2
Sheriff Robert Chody – (according to Harris)
Tim Jordan – member of Hutto City Council
Terri Grimm – member of Hutto City Council
Nate Killough – member of Hutto City Council

Make no mistake, these people know the type of man Royger Harris is. They know his past. They know he’s a serial wife beater, and about all of his dirty dealings. He’s a political hit man and the Wife Beater in Charge of Williamson County, and these politicians and candidates pay him THOUSANDS for it.

Why would any self respecting and trustworthy politician align with Royger Harris??

Stay tuned…

#wifebeaterincharge #WBIC

District Attorney Shawn Dick & Royger Harris

D. A. Shawn Dick

In 2016, Shawn Dick decided to run for District Attorney. His primary opponent was incumbent Jana Duty. Jana Duty had fired Royger Harris in 2013.

Dick hired Harris to be his political consultant. About this time Harris registered his political consulting firm, Omega Stratagem Consulting, with the Secretary of State’s office. Harris used the name “Roger Harris” to register the business. It is illegal to use a false name to register an entity with the Texas Secretary of State.

See March 18, 2016 filing of Certificate of formation of Limited Liability Company:

Omega Stratagem

A month earlier, Dick filed paperwork with the court to have Royger Harris’s arrest record expunged. After this, the only record of his arrest for beating his fourth wife is the American Statesman Article.

(see December 20, 2013 American Statesman Article)

Thanks to Shawn Dick it’s as if Royger Harris never even beat poor Megan Black Harris.

Harris continues to work and be paid as a political consultant by District Attorney Dick. To date, Shawn Dick has paid Royger Harris $4,575.48 for political consultant services.

Why would District Attorney Shawn Dick, the top person in all of Williamson County to prosecute violent criminals and protect us from repeated violence, associate with, hire and follow the advice of a man who has ruthlessly beaten multiple wives while using and discharging a pistol?

Why not ask Shawn Dick?

His phone numbers are 512-388-6560 and 512-796-0048

His email address is

Dick is also one of the primary and very vocal supporters for Bill Gravell, who is currently running for County Judge. Gravell is Harris’s old boss and current client. The County Judge leads the County Commissioner’s Court in developing and overseeing the county’s budget, including the budget of the District Attorney’s office.

Dick has publicly stated that he wants more money for his office. It appears that Dick has thrown campaign ethics to the wind and is backing Gravell with the hopes of Gravell then giving him the money that he wants. These guys are scratching each other’s backs with taxpayer money. Stinks, doesn’t it? Clearly, they feel that they do not need to abide by ethics standards that true public servants believe in.

Prior to being elected as District Attorney, Dick was a criminal defense attorney. This means that he opposed the District Attorney’s office as he represented alleged criminals. While making good money doing this, Dick decided to not pay his taxes. Dick had federal tax liens filed against him in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014 for lack of payment of taxes due. The amount of taxes due that Dick did not pay was $235,273. Anybody can make a mistake on their taxes but liens are only filed when the government is unable to get the person to pay their taxes. Dick did this for six years. This is amazing! How did this guy get elected? Clearly, he does a poor job of managing money but it also appears that he feels that he is above the laws that you and I must abide by.


More to come…stay tuned!!

#wifebeaterincharge  #WBIC

Follow the Money #1

The following elected officials and candidates have hired Royger Harris to either serve as their political consultant or to not find an opponent to run against them.

  • Bill Gravell:  J.P., Precinct 3 and current candidate for County Judge – $17,986.35
  • Heather Peal:  current candidate for County Commissioner, Pct. 4 – $46,578.28
  • Brandy Hallford:  current candidate for County Court-at-Law Judge – $8,286.45
  • Rick Kennon:  District Judge running for re-election – $18,766.10
  • Landy Warren: former candidate for County Commissioner, Pct. 1 $32,363.00
  • Shawn Dick:  current District Attorney – $4,575.48
  • Stacey Mathews:  District Judge  – $500.00
  • Bart Turek: candidate for County Commissioner, Pct. 2  – $500.00
  • Dale Ross:  current Mayor of Georgetown  – $6,000.00

Total of verifiable money paid to Royger Harris $ 135,555.66 

Additionally, Sheriff Robert Chody paid over $400,000 to Murphy Nasica in his recent campaign.  Royger Harris has bragged to numerous people that he was Murphy Nasica’s sub-contractor during the campaign and that a large part of that money went to him.  Sheriff Chody has been a very vocal supporter for Harris’s other clients.

The Hutto City Council members below have also stated that Harris was their political consultant.  The City of Hutto does not post Campaign Finance Reports on their website so the dollar amounts are unknown.

  • Tim Jordan:  current Hutto City Council member
  • Terri Grimm:  current Hutto City Council member
  • Nate Killough: current Hutto City Council member

The monies for Gravell, Peal, Hallford, Warren, Dick and Turek can be seen on their campaign finance reports which are available at the Williamson County Elections page:


The monies for Kennon and Mathews can be seen on their campaign finance reports which are available at the Texas Ethics Commission page:


Follow the Money #2

So why do so many elected officials and candidates seem to trade their souls in order to be elected and stay elected? Is it the money?

Below are the salaries for some of the elected positions currently held by the people mentioned on this site, or the positions they are trying to be elected to.

  • County Judge      $115,485 – plus benefits
  • County Commissioner      $94,037 – plus benefits
  • County Treasurer      $92,039 – plus benefits
  • Justice of the Peace       $83,714 – plus benefits.
  • District Attorney      $140,000 – plus benefits
  • District Judge      $140,000 – plus benefits
  • County Attorney       $153,142 – plus benefits
  • Sheriff      $116,669 – plus benefits

In addition to the salaries and benefits above, if someone is elected for two terms they receive retirement for the remainder of their lives.

Gravell Said What?!


Have you ever heard the expression that someone talks out of both sides of their mouth? This refers to someone who makes contradictory or untruthful statements depending upon who their audience is. Unfortunately, when someone does this you never really know when they are telling the truth.

Bill Gravell is widely known for this. The Williamson County Sun published a front page article on February 4, 2018 that perfectly illustrates this.

Out of one side of his mouth, Bill Gravell attacked Dell Corporation as an example of uncaring capitalist corporations. The article quotes Gravell from a video that he made at his former church.

“[Dell’s] only goal is to strive to make money for their CEOs and investors and they don’t care about the people they serve.” He goes on, “One of the most capitalistic companies without conscientiousness for its employees is Dell Corporation. I have met hundreds of Dell employees who are chewed up and spit out. [Dell] will expend their employees for whatever the sake of profit is.”

Later in the same Sun article, Gravell talks out of the other side of his mouth. “I’ve served as chair of the Economic Development Board in Hutto, and I’ve learned that if you want to increase revenue instead of just raising taxes, you go out and attract big businesses to come here.”

(see Williamson County Sun article)

What do you suppose Bill Gravell really thinks? We may never know. One thing is for certain, the executives of Dell Corporation have taken notice of Gravell’s remarks and have thrown their support behind Frank Leffingwell. They have also sent a link to the Gravell video to their executives, employees and vendors. It would be hard to imagine that if Gravell is elected as County Judge he would have a very good relationship with the largest employer in Williamson County.

(see Youtube video)


District Judge Betsy Lambeth & Bill Gravell

Lambeth Gravell
Bill Gravell & Betsy Lambeth

On February 1, the Sun City Republicans held a candidate forum. The co-moderator of the forum was Betsy Lambeth. It was her job to pose questions to candidates. Bill Gravell and his opponent, Frank Leffingwell, were the County Judge candidates. As the night went on it appeared to some observers that Gravell was being served up softball questions that he was well prepared for. It was almost as if he knew what the questions were going to be. Leffingwell was asked questions that oddly paralleled the things that Gravell had been saying in his campaign against Leffingwell.

Considering Gravell’s and Lambeth’s history, I wonder how she was chosen to be an objective moderator. You can read about their history below. Oh yeah, the other co-moderator was District Judge Stacey Mathews. Mathews’ paid political consultant is Royger Harris who is also Gravell’s old employee and current campaign consultant. Cozy, isn’t it?

As Bill Gravell’s church, Sonterra Fellowship, was failing in 2011, he pivoted and became a political consultant. It quickly became clear that politics was Gravell’s true calling. Prior to this his sermons had become more and more political. He certainly did not mind mixing in his strong political views with the teachings of the Bible. Finally, politics trumped religion.

Gravell was hired by several candidates for school board trustee. He also was hired by Betsy Lambeth who was running for District Judge.

In late 2011, Lambeth hired Gravell as her campaign manager. She paid him $5,000 in 2011.

In 2012, Lambeth paid Gravell $37,924.99 to be her campaign manager. She also paid $497 to Jill Gravell, Bill’s wife.

In May of 2012, Lambeth won the Republican Primary for District Judge. She did not have a Democratic opponent in the general election. Gravell is named in a May 30, 2012 Austin American Statesman article as Lambeth’s campaign manager. In the article,

Gravell is quoted as saying, “I am a political expert.”

(see May 30, 2012 Austin American Statesman article)

On July 19, 2012 (after winning the primary but before the general election) Bill Gravell, Betsy Lambeth and Shannon Way signed before a Notary Public and filed with the County Clerk’s office an Assumed Name Certificate of Ownership for Unincorporated Business. Gravell, Lambeth and Way were listed as the owners of Integrity Consulting, a political consulting business.

See Integrity Consulting DBA

One month later on August 20, 2012, Betsy Lambeth signed before a Notary Public and filed with the County Clerk’s office a Certificate of Withdrawal of Assumed Name. In the Certificate, Lambeth states that as of this date she does dispose of her ownership interest in Integrity Consulting. Seems a bit odd doesn’t it?

See Lambeth Withdrawal

In November of 2012, Betsy Lambeth was elected as District Judge. Upon taking office, she hired Bill Gravell to be her Court Administrator. Only three months later, on February 25, 2013, the Williamson County Commissioners Court appointed Gravell as Precinct 3 Justice of the Peace. The Justice of the Peace position comes with a salary of $83,714 and tremendous benefits.

Bill Gravell went from being the preacher at a failed church to being Justice of the Peace in just over one year. He didn’t even have to run a pesky campaign. He was appointed. It pays to have friends.

Another interesting “coincidence” is that at 10:16am on the same day that the Commissioners Court appointed Gravell to be J.P., he filed with the County Clerk’s office a Certificate of Withdrawal of Assumed Name. In the Certificate, Gravell states that as of this date he does dispose of his ownership interest in Integrity Consulting. Seems a bit odd doesn’t it?

Gravell Withdrawal

Considering that Betsy Lambeth hired Gravell as her campaign manager, paid him and his wife over $40,000, owned a business with Gravell and then hired him as her Court Administrator, it just doesn’t smell quite right that she was the moderator for Gravell and his opponent, does it?

Why not ask Bill Gravell?

Phone: 512-677-7780

Landline: 512-943-1501



Gravell Screws Hutto

Bill Gravell

In 2017, Royger Harris was a paid political consultant for Hutto City Council candidates Tim Jordan and Terri Grimm. He also worked for City Councilman Nate Killough.

Harris uses his dirty tricks, including using his anonymous blog, “The Wilco Report” to tout his clients and to bash their opponents. Unfortunately, this worked in Hutto and both of his clients were elected to the City Council.

In a quid pro quo, the newly elected council members, along with Hutto City Manger Odis Jones, removed all members of the Hutto Economic Development Corporation Type A Board and named new members to the interim Type A Board and the newly formed Type B Board. Royger Harris and his client Bill Gravell were named to both boards.

Royger Harris has no training or experience in economic development. Perfect.

Bill Gravell does not even live in Hutto. He lives over 23 miles away in Jarrell. Wait a minute. Gravell was not only named to the EDC Board but was named the Chairman of the Board. Wow, he must be really good to be named as the Chairman of the EDC Board in a town that he doesn’t live in.

(see Community Impact article dated July 21, 2017)

It is widely known that the old EDC Board had been working with and negotiating with a large Japanese auto manufacturer about locating a new plant in Hutto. The property was secured through agreements and everything looked great. What a perfect opportunity for Royger Harris (with the help of his city council clients) to insert his buddy Bill Gravell as EDC Chairman so that he could make the big announcement and get a bunch of credit. That surely would help his campaign for County Judge, right?

But then karma came a knockin’. Just when Bill Gravell was strapping on his sneakers and getting ready to take a victory lap for a race that he didn’t even participate in, the auto manufacturing deal fell apart.

The EDC, under the fine leadership of Royger Harris and Bill Gravell has accomplished very little since then.

BTW, Harris’ buddy, Hutto City Manager Odis Jones has now been sued, along with the city, by three female employees. It seems that when they complained about sexual harassment by Jones and others that Jones felt it was best to just fire them.

(see Austin American Statesman article dated March 16, 2017)

Similar sexual harassment claims were made against Jones by female employees when he was the City Administrator for Keokuk, Iowa. Even though Jones was on the job for only four months there were multiple complaints against him.

In Detroit, Jones served a short time as the CEO of Detroit’s Public Lighting Authority. In 2016, he was abruptly paid $250,000 to quietly go away. Then he came to Hutto.

It seems that Harris and Gravell have found a kindred spirit in Jones.

What business does Bill Gravell have running Hutto’s EDC when he lives in Jarrell?

Why not ask him?

Phone: 512-677-7780

Landline: 512-943-1501


#wifebeaterincharge  #WBIC

The Cronies

During the campaign for County Judge, Bill Gravell’s opponent, Frank Leffingwell, referred to Gravell and his top supporters as court-house cronies.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “crony” as a close friend especially of long standing. states that a crony is a buddy, a close confidant you spend time with and trust.

Gravell and his supporters blasted Leffingwell for calling them cronies.

One of Gravell’s top supporters and fellow Royger Harris client is District Attorney Shawn Dick. Dick said on his Facebook page that he found the “crony” remark to be very troubling.

Another of Gravell’s top supporters and fellow Royger Harris client is Sheriff Robert Chody. Chody recently took Leffingwell to task on his Facebook page for calling him a crony.

What’s odd is that Leffingwell never mentioned Dick or Chody in his “Cronies” comment.

I guess in looking again at the definitions above of the word “crony” I am not really sure what Gravell and his gang are so upset about. Oh crap, I called them a “gang”. Is that wrong too?

I wonder though if Gravell and his supporters are actually offended or are they merely using this as another reason to play the victim. Each time that Leffingwell points out Gravell’s very real lack of experience in managing large budgets, Gravell and his supporters cry “foul”. Hey, County Judge is a big job and requires certain knowledge and experience. I guess if I was running for the position and did not possess the knowledge and experience to effectively do the job I would also cry “foul” every time someone pointed out the truth about me.

Now, back to whether or not Gravell and his “cronies” are really offended. Perhaps not. On his Facebook page, Gravell posted a video showing insulated stainless steel cups being printed with his name on one side and “#cronies” on the other. It appears that several of Royger Harris’s clients have now paid to have similar cups made that they can give away. Imagine the arrogance of this move. They feel that they are untouchable.

(see Facebook video)

I think what I find most troubling is that Gravell, Dick, Chody, Hobbs, Peal, Ross, Kennon, Lambeth, Mathews, Hallford, Jordan, Grimm and Killough act as if they are above the law. What is really scary is that in many cases they truly ARE the law and what is terrifying is that their leader is Royger Harris, dirty cop and serial wife beater.

Should we allow WilCo to be run by this power tripping group of politicians? What kind of character do these folks have to use the Wife Beater in Charge to be their political hit-man?

#wifebeaterincharge  #WBIC

Georgetown Mayor, Dale Ross is One of Them!!

Dale Ross

Dale Ross is the Mayor of Georgetown. He is also a client of Royger Harris. He has paid Harris $6,000 to be his political consultant.

Dale Ross is a vocal supporter of Harris’ other clients. He not only supports them but occasionally he will use his position to intimidate others into supporting Harris’ clients.

This is particularly true in his support of Bill Gravell. Ross has been known to threaten financial ruin and political ruin to Georgetown businessmen if they dare to support Gravell’s opponent. He even told one businessman that if he supported Leffingwell that he would not be able to get a building permit in Georgetown.

What a little turd! (I would like to apologize for my use of the word “turd” in my characterization of Mayor Ross. It was uncalled for and I deeply regret it)

So, why does Mayor Ross hire and support a man who violently beat his last two wives?

Why not ask him?

Dale Ross’s office phone number is 512-931-0001.
His personal phone number is 512-635-1490.
His email address is

More bad news to follow…

#wifebeaterincharge  #WBIC